Runescape Tips!

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Monday, August 25, 2008

PvP is coming back

Hey guys, i was browsing the runescape news the other day and was shocked to find that PvP would be back, with no limits! Ill give a detailed explanation about how PvP can exist without RWT.

This update consists of "unique PvP worlds". In Runescape Classic, people could kill and hunt down other people anywhere on the map, and this is whats going to happen again. We are going old school. The PvP worlds will include:

--Optional sign-up – choose between PvP danger or stick to ordinary play by simply switching worlds.

--High danger with items dropped on death.

--High rewards for kills. To avoid any RWT issues the reward for a successful PK will be generated by the game, similar to when you kill a monster at the moment. We're creating generous drop tables based on factors like your levels and the impressiveness of the kill.

--These drop tables will include "PvP world specific" items like XP-modifying gear, lvl 70+ equipment and new, glorious, short-term but hard hitting gear. These will once again make

PKing a viable source of income.

--PvP across 99% of the world, including the old Wilderness.

--Attack any player within a certain level of your own. Level range depends on the area, similar to the old Wilderness levels.

--...And all sorts of other twists on interesting content... Just think of the possibilities when you can PK anywhere!

Yes think of the possibilities! But we sure hope that "generous" doesnt mean 50k per kill:(. I hope its all well done and PKers are happy with this. But it all sounds so exciting. Rewards include "PvP world specific items" which means we wont get normal drops like abyssal whip, dds, archer helm etc. Which is bad in my opinion.

The only people who will buy these drops will be the PKers. So i only see the demand of these drops going down as the hype of PKing will go down and less people will PK.

But never the less, i hope this is a good update and Jagex doesnt make mistakes.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Runescape Autominer

Hey guys, i decided to write an article about runescape cheating and runescape hacks. Lets start with a little bit of history:

Runescape cheating and hacks started when a guy named kaitneiks. He and xx jut xx created a program called AutoRune. This was the first runescape bot. It was the first breakthrough in auto commanding a runescape character. Then in 2003 they all got banned and autorune got disabled because runescape changed some stuff.

Later SCAR was released. It was a color clicker. Then a new version of autorune was released. Sixfeetunder discovered that it could be used to dupe! Many partyhats etc were duped and the economy suffered.After duping lots and lots of things were tried out with AutoRune. The most significant being:
- you could cast spells without runes and without a target enabling incredibly fast leveling
- you could create women with beards- you could attack and kill yourself in wilderness
- you could create a character without body (it still was showing up in minimap and when mouse was moved over)
There were more, but these were the main ones.

Now a new bot has risen...the best bot since Aryan! This bot is called RSbot. Its new and very good. Its a bot which you can load with scripts and it can perform alot of usefull stuff. Currently it has autominer, autofisher, autowoodcutter. But you can put any kind of script in it, so there are scripts like walker, which walks from point A to poin t B. You have auto fighthers. Flax collectors, ingredient collectors, random solvers. Its very flexible and plain AWESOME.

Leave a comment or contact me so i can direct you to it. Its NO way a key logger or virus. Its a client too and there are hundreds of people using it. I seriously recomend using it if you are into botting.

Found some other autominers, use at your own risk:

Im out. I will next post about the recent PvP updates and about grand exchange merchanting:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hey guys, im finally a member:)

Feels good. So now ill post about whats happening and maybe some videos too.

Leave a comment of what guide you want as i can provide a detailed guide on most things. Please subscribe too!

Current doings: Just hunting at the moment. Almost got 70 and hunting red chins. Making some money through merchanting thanks to the Grand Exchange.